Saturday, June 13, 2009

FREE Health Care?

There is no such thing as free health care. Those of us who have paid for it know that. Those who have benefited from advanced procedures and advances in medicine know that these things weren't developed for free. Anyone who has been on Medicaid and Medicare receives the blessings of these advances, but it is not for free, regardless of if you pay a premium or not.

The taxpayer pays. The 40% of us that pay taxes pay for those who cannot or will not cover themselves. Seems we could work it out where there is a more affordable market for insurance, say the free market. Seems we should be able to identify why prescription drugs are so expensive and do something about that rather than put more on the backs of those who pay taxes.

Obama says his plan will not increase taxes? That is a bold faced lie. In his own words, he has said that a $634 billion dollar down payment will be made to advance health care reform. Then he says $950 billion will be set aside (how?) over the the next ten years to offset (not completely cover) the cost of health care reform. He also said that the additional cost in the long-term will offset the savings in the long-term. Huh? Is this the same fuzzy math that derives the "jobs saved" we keep hearing about amidst the increasing unemployment rate (now 9%).

Obama said he will "make drug companies pay their fair share." What ever does that mean? Are the drug companies the current villian of the day? Are they next in line for a government take over?

Obama recorded a message in which he said, "Unnecessary treatments and tests" would be eliminated and "best care would replace more care." What does that mean? I read it this way: Government will decide what the best care is and government will decide what tests treatments you need. Is there really any other way to read that?

Now, he says we can keep a health care we are with. How is that possible if our company drops carrying it? The government can easily move in on this market and become the largest single provider, anyone with a marketing or business background can see this. They will have a huge portion of the market and they will dictate their costs, keeping it low in the begining using the increased revenue from cigarrette taxes, drug makers, printing money (aka stimulus) and increasing taxes selectively and creatively (not just on income). Thus, they will become the low cost leader in the market place at the onset. But the caveat is that while the insurance may appear to be cheaper the 40% of Americans who pay taxes will see their taxes increase. Not to mention those who smoke will be also paying for that legal act, in order to finance health care. We won't have a choice of health care insurance or providers because the government easily wins the market by a blunt entry as the low-cost provider. They will have such a market share and will seek out revenue (taxes) to keep it and grow it. They will run everyone out of business and we will see these results before the end of Obama's administration if he has his way with health care reform.

I really feel like those of us who pay taxes (40% of Americans) are enslaved by those who do not, who receive the benefits of our labor and go and vote for these robber barons who steal the fruit of our labor. What is the government's experience in medicine? What is the government's experience in developing new medical procedures and new medications? I really do not think we want to put this in the hands of the government. They will stunt the advancements in medicine and run the costs up on all of us.

I can't believe we are even having the debate about free health care in this country. This is an obvious sign that we have lost our work ethic. I have empathy and want to provide for children and those in dire situations, but I do not believe handing the industry over to the government is the way to go.

Apparently there is a plan the republicans have that the liberals are not allowing to be heard and it offers real solutions and does not involve government take over. I heard a representative testify about it on c-span, but I need to find the bill and share it. I will share it here when I find it.